Monday, October 1, 2007

I decided to start this blog to keep or family and friends informed on the current progress of our adoption. Also so her daddy Mitch can read up on his baby girl while he is on deployment. We have been in the process of adopting Savannah since January it has been a long process now the Guatemalan Government is threatening to shut down all adoptions as early as January 1st, 2008. One can only pray that they will at least honor the adoptions already in place. We have made it this far we only need to exit PGN and get her home. I know that it is going to be a challenge to raise a child with special needs. I pray for God to guide me in the right direction and to make all the right choices on her care, to know when to ask for help, and to make her understand that she can do anything despite her handicaps. She is truly the answer to our prayers.

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Savannah @ the doctors

Savannah @ the doctors

Savannah Is Special Because...........

When we took referral to Savannah we knew that she had an abnormal CAT Scan but we did not know her diagnosis. A later MRI confirmed that indeed the CAT Scan was right it was abnormal very abnormal. Savannah was diagnosed with Unilateral Open-lipped Schizencephaly. She also has right sided Cerebral Palsy, Lobar Holoprosencephaly, Stabismus of the left eye and hearing loss. Currently Savannah is doing well but is delayed in all areas.

Savannah's CT Scan

Savannah's CT Scan


Schizencephaly is a rare developmental disorder characterized by abnormal slits, or clefts, in the cerebral hemispheres. Schizencephaly can be distinguished from porencephaly by the fact that in schizencephaly the cyst is lined by heterotopic grey matter while a porencephalic cyst is lined by white matter. Individuals with clefts in both hemispheres, or bilateral clefts, are often developmentally delayed and have delayed speech and language skills and corticospinal dysfunction. Individuals with smaller, unilateral clefts (clefts in one hemisphere) may be weak on one side of the body and may have average or near-average intelligence. Patients with schizencephaly may also have varying degrees of microcephaly, mental retardation, hemiparesis (weakness or paralysis affecting one side of the body), or quadriparesis (weakness or paralysis affecting all four extremities), and may have reduced muscle tone (hypotonia). Most patients have seizures and some may have hydrocephalus.

Savannah's First Family

We are so grateful for Savannah's foster family they are true blessings in our lives. They will always be an extended part of our family. They take such good care of my daughter, How can you ever say thank you enough for that? Aleida, Selvin, Jr, and Madaleyn we love you!!!!!!!!

Savannahs Guatemalan Family

Savannahs Guatemalan Family

Savannah's best bud Cristopher Reign

Savannah's best bud Cristopher Reign

Savannah and Christopher Reign

Savannah and Christopher Reign
We got to know Tonya and Cristopher through adopting Savannah. Tonya was an instrumental part of this experience and guided me along the way. I will be forever indebted to Tonya and will always remember her support and strength.

Cristopher Reign and his Mommy Tonya

Cristopher Reign and his Mommy Tonya